The First Electronic Church of America
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Tell it all to the Rev. Armstrong in the FECHA Confessional (or issue your own absolutions) |
To Angry Soul:
Would you please specify which piece of advice it is that you find so "missleading" so I can respond you your obviously passionate concerns regarding my advice. Aren't you planning to go to Heaven? You sound very down on yourself. Can I help? Please let me know if I can. —Rev.Armstrong
Your advice is very missleading. You are in danger of going to hell. If I'm in hell with you watch out because I'm gonna kick your ass when I get there. Just remember that! If you are in purgatory, I'll risk being there double time to Kick your ass then. I hope you are not Catholic!
Your advice is very missleading. You are in danger of going to hell. If I'm in hell with you watch out because I'm gonna kick your ass when I get there. Just remember that! If you are in purgatory, I'll risk being there double time to Kick your ass then. I hope you are not Catholic!
Who does your wonderful graphics? -music dir, WGCC, elee @ gcc
Reverend Armstrong,
My son's birthday is July 28. I enjoyed the birthday blurbs on my birthday the 23 of June. Where is your calendar for July? ..........Wondering Wanderer
Dear "I",
It's so pseudo-comforting to know that you are here. There is, however, one small thing missing which would help my confidence...who are you? Curious (but yellow)
yes, I am here!!!....
Helloooooooooo! Is there anybody heeeeeeeeeere???????
Richard M. Nixon, late President of the United States, because he prolonged the Viet Nam War from 1968 to 1972 so he could run for reelection on a pledge to end the war. The war could have been ended in 1969-1970 on the same terms it was finally ended in 1972-1974. The loss of life on both sides was large during those "extra" four years of war. For this Richard M. Nixon ought to be in pergatory.
Anybody Who Could or Might Care
Where's Hillary?
McVeigh hater?
Good question. If you believe in Jesus Christ and his teachings, you cannot hate another. What Jesus taught was contrary to the Hebrew Old Testament's (not considered "old" at the time) "eye for an eye" solution to violence. To "turn the other cheek" after being struck takes much courage. Just fighting the adrenaline rush is tough enough! In the case of the Oklahoma City bombing, good, God-fearing Americans are wrestling with their righteous outrage, and their Christian principles. It can't be easy for them. They deserve our prayers and moral support without judgement. Only God can know what's truly in their hearts as they cope with their grief, their anger, and their thirst for justice. If they can manage it, Jesus should be proud of those who will let the American Justice System take care of punishing McVeigh; and then pray as Jesus instructed: ask His Father to". . . forgive our trespasses (or debts) as we forgive (our debtors) those who trespass against us. . . ." —Rev. Armstrong
Is it right to hate Timothy McVeigh now that he has been found guilty? Jesus says that we must love our enemies. I have been hearing a lot of hate speech today now that the verdict has been pronounced. Do you think Jesus likes hearing those who have lost loved ones in the Oklahoma City bombing saying that they would like to see McVeigh have his legs torn off, or worse? I heard just that said on the radio this afternoon. Must those who have suffered most just turn the other cheek, or are they justified to feel as they do toward the person found guilty of killing their loved ones by a jury of his peers? I would really like some answers to these questions.
To "...want to ease my soul":
It would help if you could be more specific. Remember, your anonymity is your license to be totally honest. You're safe here, at FECHA. —Rev. Armstrong
To "wanting to do better":
If you truly love you husband, concentrate on all the things he says and does that cause you to have those feelings of love for him. His actions are a testimony of sorts to his feelings for you. It's the old "actions speak louder than words" thing. By focusing on his postive actions toward you, you will be more inclined to make your actions toward him match his positive ones. This will create new positive thinking which will eventually displace the negatives. Try this with others in your life—even complete strangers. Look for the good in others and you'll find the good in yourself; then, guess what? You'll like yourself more than you do now. Self-esteem is good stuff. (If everyone in the world liked who they were, there'd be no need for weapons!) Try this: every time you look at yourself in a mirror, smile, and say, "I like myself! I like myself! I LIKE myself!" Yes, self-esteem IS good stuff! —Reverend Armstrong
To "wanting to do better":
If you truly love you husband, concentrate on all the things he says and does that cause you to have those feelings of love for him. His actions are a testimony of sorts to his feelings for you. It's the old "actions speak louder than words" thing. By focusing on his postive actions toward you, you will be more inclined to make your actions toward him match his positive ones. This will create new positive thinking which will eventually displace the negatives. Try this with others in your life—even complete strangers. Look for the good in others and you'll find the good in yourself; then, guess what? You'll like yourself more than you do now. Self-esteem is good stuff. (If everyone in the world liked who they were, there'd be no need for weapons!) Try this: every time you look at yourself in a mirror, smile, and say, "I like myself! I like myself! I LIKE myself!" Yes, self-esteem IS good stuff!
Once I did something very wrong and now I can't get over it. What can I do to ease my soul? I would do anything in the world to take it back, but Iknow that I can't. Please help me.
-wanting to do better
i usually am a very nice person but sometimes i have very little patience. what can i do to increase my patience with others, especially my husband?? i love him with all my heart, but i just can not change the way that i feel about things that i hate even if it is important to him. i am very har headed and NEVER give i doomed????
-wanting to do better
i usually am a very nice person but sometimes i have very little patience. what can i do to increase my patience with others, especially my husband?? i love him with all my heart, but i just can not change the way that i feel about things that i hate even if it is important to him. i am very har headed and NEVER give i doomed????
Okay, I'm coming out of the closet.....I admit it: I am a practicing heterosexual! There, I've said it!!!! (I feel so much better now. Why didn't I do this sooner?)
Isn't it odd that so little is mentioned in the press and media about the fact that today, May 1, is National Prayer Day, yet everybody's talking about an actress telling everyone that she is "coming out" and admitting that she is a lesbian. I wonder if an honest poll of Americans would reveal that the majority of us agreed that she should change her name to "Degenerate?"
i am tired of going after duncan...sytrange feelings pass through my head when i think about him..what do you recommmend...
Has anybody seen my container lately? Do
. . .may your wish and my wish never be broke!
Hey, give us more info on Susan Gould-Leighton, whoever she is. As for Orville, well, he sold out to a large corporation, then left before Do & the HGers. If he went to hell, maybe he's going to have to wear tight bowties and eat old, greasy popcorn for eternity! Yuuck!
I nominate Susan Gould-Leighton for being downright mean to everyone that she meets except for her precious "OM" team. May she burn in hell. I also nominate Orville Reddenbacker for giving everyone high cholesterol with his fatty artificial butter on his popcorn. He is also a bad dresser.
Space Observation:
Guess the container formerly known as "Do" may now be known as "Doo2"...a dingleberry on the posterior of Hale-Bopp.
The Higher Source
Ooops, am I red-faced. Turns out I was wrong and that my vision was as fuzzy as the Hubble telescope. God was really pissed when we showed up at Heaven's Gate with 5 bucks each - told us it was going to cost a lot more than that to get into Heaven after offing ourselves the same way Elvis did and that we'd have "Hell to pay" for our stunt. The women among us will be immediately re-incarnated as future Vegas showgirls and the men among us as plants in the center median strip of Los Angeles' freeways. As for myself, I will come back as a Texas yahoo who later dies in a drunken pickup truck accident. Oh, sorry about the smell in the house, but we forget to get air freshner. The Container Formerly Known as Do
Are you prepared to exit? Could be that chariot that carried up the prophet mentioned in the Old Testament was really a flying saucer, and that these 39 believers who decided to leave this earth via a spacecraft trailing Hale-Bopp were on to something, eh?
The most significant words: When you stop growing, you start dying.
Dear Satisfied Visitor,
Thank you for your kind words. Please spread the word about FECHA. It's the only place short of Heaven (or whatever you choose to call your favorite location for eternal bliss) where all we humans have something in common. Hurry back!
To Reverend Armstrong,
I have just completed a tour of your wonderful church. You have provided me with a great deal of useful information. I am going to tell my family and my friends about Fecha. I am sorry that I do not have a confession to leave with you at this writing. Perhaps on my next visit I shall have remembered something to confess. Thank you, from a satisfied visitor.
Pax tecum. —Rev. Armstrong
To rev Strongarm
reverend - "Thou protests too much…" enough said. A. K. Mann
Something happened right after I typed your name. Oh, well, sometimes strange things happen out here in electronic space. . . . I'm happy that you have taken charge of your life, and that you solved your problem on your own. Thank you for letting me know that I was of some help. You did it, and you should be proud. I hope you and your new girl friend treat each other with respect as you enjoy learning more about one another. Please stay in touch, T.T. I'm very proud of you. —Reverend Armstrong
Dear T.T.
reverend armstrong
i did what you said about when my sister teeses me. now she leves me alon. my mother stil looks at me funy when i look at my sister now but i dont care anymor. thank you reverend. i hav a girlfrend and shes much more sexy than my sister.
Crass Person:
You claim to be an intelligent, well-read person. Look up the word "respect." First impressions sometimes go deeper, and last longer than we'd like. If you dislike what you're getting, perhaps you should take a hard look at what you're giving. I hesitate to recommend introspection for you; you might implode! How about forty days in the wilderness . . . or therapy? —Rev. Armstrong
Crass Person:
From : "Crass person"
reverend - It is OK to mock and label me to avoid the issue. I've raised some legitimate questions, you've answered none. -- A. K. Mann
Crass person
Crass Person, confession: If seems you've created a cause for yourself. You're to be congratulated. Unfortunately, you seem to be the only one involved in this cause, so why don't you just reach back and pat yourself wherever it feels best. If this is a sample of your potential contribution to the idea pool here, at FECHA, then perhaps you should take your crassness elsewhere. We welcome discourse and discussion. In fact, we should have an Atrium soon for realtime discussions of selected topics. If you can control your vitriol, and keep your fingers off the crude letter combinations, this just might be the forum for you. Meanwhile, we will try to carry on without you. Pax vobiscum. —Rev. Armstrong
Rev: Please bless our wedding on March 16, 1997. We will also be wed on the FECHA wedding page! Thanks, A & D
She's baaaack...
Gee reverend, that’s twice you’ve ask me to leave by saying I can stay! You’ve mastered condescension. Tell me reverend, what "order" has ordained you? What qualifies you? What are your credentials for giving public advice. I’m not the antiFECHA, I’m looking for answers just like the next person. I put you to task because you chose to stand before us - we need to know what you are all about before committing our "virtual souls" to your message. Sorry, your evasive answers to my probings ring hollow. Yes, of course, I’ve read Newton and Hawkins (I wonder why you don’t consider Steven a saint also?) so don’t look down your nose, it is not becoming a person of your self proclaimed stature. What is your message - is there a message? Or, is this just another happy horse-shit stop in the wasteland of cyberspace. - A. K. Mann
A. K. Mann
Chill out A. K. As some famous someone said, "There is very little evidence to prove that life has to be taken seriously". Rob
Dear A.K. Mann,
To answer adage with adage: Man does not live by exclamations alone. Maybe you should consider cutting back a little on the caffeine. . . ? If everything in the known universe is not composed of electrons (as well as several other atom- and sub-atomic sized particles), then what? There are thousands of books and articles since Sir Isaac Newton that deal with these topics. Are we assuming too much for you? Our philosophy is presented quite clearly in our Credo. If this site disturbs you so, then why this self-abuse, A.K.? Could it be a form of masochism? The mystery of my eyes is exactly that; making the phrase, ". . . windows of the soul." that much more intriquing. Why don't you just relax and get into the spirit of FECHA. It's your church; make the best of it. Why not make positive observations and suggestions to improve it for every visitor? Electrons are our universal common denominator—what we ALL have in common. FECHA is simply a place for all of us to gather and share our knowledge and life experiences. Thank you for your input, A.K. I hope we can evolve into a more harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship. I look forward to your response. —Rev. Armstrong
"Misterious"... again,
Mr. "Rev." Don't just blow me off like that. You did not get it. I'm not misterious, your picture is. You also did not answer my questions, directly. I have seen every single page on this site. Your only redemption is that you have not asked me to give you any money, yet... You have a great deal of information that is very valuable as reference and it is well organized. Then again, so are public libraries. The "electron thing" is really hokey and somewhat contrived, at best it is old hat "touchy-feely" technobabble . Tell me and others in - REAL TERMS - how the electron figures as a prime drive in the "life force". Try making a real, believable case for FECHA's existence! Where is the beef??? You offer no real philosophy or new theology to chew on. Certainly there is no innovative or striking intellectual challenge anywhere to be seen in the entire site. GIVE US SOMETHING! Man does not live by pixels alone. A. K. Mann
Dear "misterious",
Thank you for your impassioned impressions of FECHA. Glad you stopped by. If you've bothered to explore more of this deep site, and still have the same impression, then perhaps your electrons would feel more comfortable elsewhere. Problem is, FECHA is unique. Good luck! —Reverend Howard D. Armstrong
Are you guys for real? This looks like it's just a joke! By the way "Rev", can't you get a better picture? It looks like you are hiding something - or are you just trying to be misterious? Spooky eyes... GET A LIFE PEOPLE!!!
Dear Anonymous Visitor,
Thank you for your kind kudos. Please visit often. There are changes, additions, and improvements coming to FECHA in the next few days and weeks which I hope will make your visits more rewarding. Please tell your family, friends and colleagues about FECHA—the more electrons we can gather, the better—for all. —Reverend Armstrong
Reverend Armstrong,
I have been visiting this wonderful site of late, and have found it to be quite pleasing. Reviewing your past pieces of advice has been enlightening. My impression of you is positive. Fecha is a delight for any thinking person whose electons are curious. I believe that I am in that category. As one who is not from the Americas, my perspective may be somewhat jaded by my personal geography; nevertheless, I do actually feel at "home" here. I shall be a frequent visitor.
Dear TT,
Just try to be respectful of both you mother and your sister. Obviously your mom doesn't understand what it's like to be a teenage boy. Just ignore your sister when she behaves in the way you described that makes you uncomfortable. If you play your own game with her (making believe that what she does doesn't bother you any more), maybe she'll give up trying to get a reaction from you, and turn her attention to other boys who are not relatives. Good luck, TT. Stay strong! —Rev. Armstrong
rev armstrong
i talked with my mom. she laffed at me and sed that i shudnt think durdy thots. she duznt undrstand me. now what do i do. i like my neu name tt.
Dear TT (Teased Teen),
If talking to your sister doesn't work, then tell her that you're going to talk with your mother about her behavior. You obiously have respect for your sister, otherwise you wouldn't be concerned about how she is teasing you. You are both getting strong surges of male and female hormones—the chemicals which will eventually make you a mature man and your sister, a mature woman. As she begins to look more like the girls you find attractive (with curves and bulges which are attractive to a normal, healthy man), you must decide that your sister is not in that category. She can never by the object of your sexual desire. But, by behaving like the girls who could (in your imagination) be sexual partners, she is making it difficult for you to separate her from them. She is just trying out her new female "power" to attract males on the one who happens to be handy: you. If she knows it makes you uncomfortable when she behaves provocatively—like some girls on MTV—and still does it, then, yes, you have a problem which you should discuss with your Mom. If she can't help, then you should all go and meet with a professional who can. Again, I compliment you on your wish to do the right thing, TT (Teased Teen), and the fact that you seem to love and respect your younger sister. Please stay in touch. I look forward to your next contact. —Reverend Armstrong
to reverend armstrong
my father is gone sins iwas ten. my mother works at to jobs. i am home with my sister a lot. she likes to watch mtv a lot. she likes to act like thos girls on mtv and that makes me hav thos feelings i told you abot. i dont now how to tell my mom abot this stuf.
Dear Teased Teen,
I'm sorry for taking so long to get back to you. Have you talked to your parents about this? —Reverend Armstrong
to reverend armstrong
my sister is 13 yers old and im 15 yers old.
a tech
computers are my life.
To the person who is being teased by his sister:
Could you please tell me how old you and your sister are? –Reverend Armstrong
reverend armstrong
my sister is buging me all the time. she nows that she is pretty and teeses me because she nows that it arowses me. i dont want to have thes feelings towerd her becase shes my sister. what shud i do reverend.
reverend armstrong
my sister is buging me all the time. she nows that she is pretty and teeses me because she nows that it arowses me. i dont want to have thes feelings towerd her becase shes my sister. what shud i do reverend.
confession frm Lee to all I am working on it, thanx rev. & others. ;-)
gates will make his own way
Bill Gates has the unique distinction of being both saint & sinner in our electronic domain. Gates should be held in high esteem for accelerating the processes of acquisition, sharing, distribution & dissemination of knowledge. Gates should be held over flames for accelerating the process of acquisition, shearing, destruction, and dessication of competition. This singular duality elevates him to perplexing depths — a fascinating dichotomy, wouldn't you say? Here's another thought, Rob: Don't both Heaven AND Hell have (G)gates? —Rev. Armstrong
To Rev. Armstrong
I find it interesting that Bill Gates is considered both a saint of FECHA and also a member in good standing of the Purgatory section. What gives???? Rob...
To Lee,
Lighten up Lee!! god was as God is… He’s not good, he’s not bad, he, (He), just is! In fact, he is no more or no less than what you make of him, (It). He, (She), will do for you (or won’t) exactly that which you allow. The entire thing is as relevant (or irrelevant) as you make it out to be. So is everything else… Rob
Dear Lee
Thank you for your candor regarding FECHA. We believe that we are all one electronically; that includes "God". The power in control of all is called by many different names, but the essence is the same. How we view this omnipotence is extremely subjective. Good and evil have been defined in terms of abiding by (insert your favorite name here)'s rules. Yes, God does appear to be dictatorial and demanding at times; yet God has a more mellow side as well. If you combine standard human male and female traits, you begin to understand the biblical reference to God having created humans "in His own image." My simple advice to you, Lee, would be this. Step back and take another look at everything. Instead of focusing on God's stern side, concentrate on the reflections of His/Her/Its benign side, e.g. sunsets, flowers, beautiful smiles, classic art, a baby's grin or laughter. . . . Take a closer look at your attitude; make an adjustment; lighten up; smell the roses (trite but right); take moments to appreciate the good around you; take no one or nothing for granted. The latter is perhaps the best advice. By not taking anyone or anything for granted, your eyes will open to the little things which make life sweeter. If we all truly respected one another, Wouldn't the world be a better place? Look in the mirror, and you'll see God in your eyes. Say "Hi!"...then say "Thanks!" Bet you'll see a smile there. Keep in touch, Lee, and (now that STAR WARS is back) I can risk saying: may the "force" be with you! -Rev. Armstrong
from Lee,To All others
confession I have been very busy learning how to hate people recently.[ not a good thing :-( ] It seems that the God that I had aquired a few years back,after looking for about 36 years did and does not exist.This realy crushed me,I had given my life over to something to find that maybe it never exsited at all.(skip the maybe) So I have quietly been hating everyone,actualy I think I realy only hate the ones that created false Gods.(skip the I think) FECHA is about the kind of "GOD" that we all need,that is what I have come to beleive in the last 10 min.My old "GOD" had all these control issues,promises of hell,oppression,lots of guilt (FOR THINGS I NEVER EVEN DID)The idea of a open god and preists with no capital letters or real titles is so much more godly.I am glad to be a member of a church that does not seem to have any connection to the horrors of a Organized GOD.IF PRAYERS COULD BE ANSWERED THIS MAY BE THE REAL ANSWER TO ALL OF THEM FOR ALL OF US.The net cant be worse than the last several centuries of total darkness. Thank you, Lee
Candidate for Purgatory
Sam Zell — Real estate and radio tycoon — for poisoning the minds of innocent children while callously profiting (in the billions of dollars!) from the broadcasting of smut on radio stations all over the U.S. via Howard Stern, et al.
To: Atheist
Yes, all electrons are welcome. What you believe in, or don't, is immaterial. All thoughts and opinions are welcome. Soon, FECHA will open the ATRIUM, an open discussion forum for electronic energy exchanges. Meanwhile, this is a convenient place to deposit thoughts (and confessions, of course). Welcome to FECHA! — Reverend Armstrong
Are atheists welcome here?
All who are in from the cold,
You're a site for sore spies!
This new site kicks what?
Lookin' good. Bien hecho. —— El Garañón
this new site kicks
Just a question....
Does it matter?
From Rob
You know so much... Confess to what??? Speak your mind or forever be silent!
Just a question...
Is this tomorrow or was it yesterday?
Bill Clinton
I confess - I killed Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown
1/11/97; 9:19:23 PM (PST)
Dear "What to do?"
Your parents are just doing their duty. They're supposed to care and be responsible. Look at this situation through their eyes (if you can). You're living under their roof; they're paying the expenses for your everyday living. They provide food, shelter, clothing, etc.; and you provide respect, and abide by their rules. The best way to settle differences is to take time to talk. Turn off everything that can distract you——TV, radio, stereo, telephone——and just talk. The more you can exchange ideas and feelings, the more you'll understand what life is like from the other person's perspective. Your mom & dad must love you, otherwise they wouldn't care what you did, and with whom. They want you to be happy. From their perspective (and statistics back them up), 16 is just too young to be dating a man 8 years older. Yes, as much as you think you're already a woman, you're not. Believe me, in just one year, you'll be amazed at how much you'll have changed, and how radically your priorities will have been realigned. Ask him to wait for you. If he still cares as much in two years (and you do too!), then there might be something more than mere infatuation involved here. Talk with your parents, then talk with your friend. If you're both worth the wait, you'll wait. The only way you'll find out wait. Think about this: Won't your decision prove the level of your maturity? Let me know how it all goes for you. Good luck, and may your decision be wise. Hope I helped. --Rev. Armstrong
12/31/96; 11:41:14 AM (PST)
Found you! CONFESS!
The Rev
I'm getting married and would like to feel free and whole when I take the live-long vows. I must confess that I used to .....
What to do?
I think I'm starting to fall in love with this guy who is 8 years older than me. Well, maybe not "falling in love", but definately some very strong feelings for him. I think he feels the same way towards me. I know age generally isn't an issue, but I'm not even 17 yet and he's 24. I don't want to get into any strange circumstances, and no we won't be having sex. What should I do? My parents are so nosey. Everytime I try to talk to him they have to listen to the whole conversation. Please don't tell me that I have my whole life ahead of me and I'm rushing into things and that I'm too young to be worrying about this or to fall in love. I'm not exactly your average teenager and I'm "too young" to do a lot that I do just fine. Just help come up with an answer to my problems and a way to keep my parents from butting in where their noses don't belong. Now don't get me wrong, I know they're there to guide me and protect me and all, but every choice I make and every opinion I have doesn't need to concern them. Please help me.
From Matt
I'm sorry :(. I love you too.XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
I'm not Catholic or N.E.thing, but I think this site is pretty cool.
To: Clepto Anonymous
You know what you should do, otherwise you wouldn't be asking. Stealing is wrong. There are other (more legitimate) ways to prove your courage to your friends. If they're asking you to prove yourself to them by doing something like that, are they REALLY your friends? Better take another look at them and their motives, then decide. You sound like you have a conscience; listen to it! You've been offered temptation to resist. THAT qualifies as a test of courage too, doesn't it? Have you got the courage to say NO? If you do, you've passed the test successfully, and can be proud of yourself. It's GOOD to feel GOOD about being GOOD! Whatever holiday you and your family celebrate this time of year, may it be merry and happy, and I wish you success and happiness in the coming year. —— Rev. Armstrong
To: Reverend Armstrong
On a dare, I stole a skirt and earrings in a store. I got away with it. I got such a rush! I want to do it again. I know it was wrong, but it was fun! My friends want me to do it again. What should I do? Anonymous
I love you. I want to be with you forever.
Santa Claus
It's happened - I'm fed up. Me and the missus have sold the whole "Santa Claus" thing to Disney and FedEx - just wait til you see those animatron reindeer fly onto your rooftop - they sound like the 101st Airborne landing for cripes sake. So, we'll be spending the holidays in San Diego in our new RV, and if you've been naughty or nice - hell I don't care, I'm retired and rich.
Santa (®Disney/FedEx)
Some Guy
Yes, "this" works. Why don't you try "this" for yourself, curious one?
Some Guy
Yes, "this" works. Why don't you try "this and find out for yourself, curious one?
Some Guy
Yes, "this" works. Why don't you try "this and find out for yourself, curios one?
Some guy
Does this work?
P.S. for Bisexual Teen
When that priest who took advantage of your youth and innocence faces his maker in final judgement, he will know the agony and desperate despair of those who know they are eternally damned. The ultimate Justice WILL be served. I remind you, again, BE CAREFUL.÷÷ Rev. Armstrong
Dear Bisexual Teen,
If you are truly bisexual, then why an operation? If you pick a person as a life partner÷÷whatever sex÷÷you are making a commitment. Both hetero & homo sexuals make commitments and remain faithful to one person as their life partner. If you can't do that, then you must resign yourself to shallow, temporary relationships. Staying faithful to one person means avoiding sexual relationships with others. The sex of the partner, in this case, should be irrelevant. No matter what sex the temptation, true commitment resists it. Good luck, and BE CAREFUL! ÷ REV. HOWARD.D. ARMSTRONG
I'm sixteen years old and bisexual. I really want to get a sex change, but I know that the Catholic Church would not approve. My parents do not know of my sexual preferences. My priest, however, found out some time ago. I began talking with him about it two years ago. He didn't give me any real answers, but he did support my decision to be my own self. Last year we began to do more than just talk. We had sexual intercourse on more than one occassion. I believe he took advantage of me, but most of me really enjoyed it. I'm tired of having him around me. He's always pressuring me to have sex with him, and says that if I don't that I will be excommunicated. I don't know who I would tell, but I have a girlfriend now, and this other guy I'm going to soon become active with, and they might get jealous. I just need to know is he commiting a bigger sin than I am? and Why is homosexuality wrong? Love knows no gender.
I second the motion
I THE caffiene junkie this sit kicks ***
To: The Worldly Among Us
Let's remember why there's a Christmas. It's the celebration of the beginning of a movement that profoundly changed the world. Whether or not you believe that Jesus of Nazareth was God in human form, he lived, walked among us and persuaded us to be good. History tells us that he indeed existed, and that he was crucified. Even if you doubt his resurrection from the dead, you must admit to the fact that Jesus Christ was perhaps the most influential person that ever lived. Because of him, there are more Christians in the world than any other religion. Even non-Christians revere his memory and admire his accomplishments and martyrdom. We celebrate many birthdays and events on our calendars, but that day, December 25th, set aside to commemorate his birth, should represent more than the concept of an old bearded man in a red fur-lined suit riding in a gift-laden (enough for all the good children in the entire world) flying sleigh pulled by gravity-defying reindeer, looking for rooftops with chimneys to land on. Which concept is easier to believe: the birth, life, death and resurrection of a unique man named Jesus of Nazareth; or, reindeer that fly, and a fat man who can not only fit into an ordinary house chimney, but can do it while carrying a large, gift-filled sack on his back? Merry CHRISTmas!
To: The Clinton Defender
How can you use the word "persecute" re the Clintons. The Early Christians were persecuted, and some of the martyred ones were canonized by the Catholic Church. The Puritans were persecuted, and fled to America. The Mormons suffered persecution as well, and fled to Utah. The Clintons÷÷persecuted? Gimme a break! How can you defend the appointment of bar-bouncer, Craig Livingstone as head of Security for the White House? How can you defend the presence of over ONE THOUSAND SECRET, PERSONAL FBI files lying around for anyone to see in the White House? How do you defend the firing of the Travel Office staff, and the subsequent fruitless but costly litigation and humiliation they were subjected to? How can you defend Bill Clinton's reputation, his honesty, his duty to country, his word? Even if only HALF of all the allegations against this pair of opportunists are substantiated, they will still add up to a WHOLE vindication for those of us who are embarrassed by them. He may be the President of the United States, but, in light of the recent revelations regarding foreign contributions to his campaign, and access to the White House by known felons and representatives of foreign interests, we may see this country finally get sick to its stomach from the stench of all this, and finally expell the rotten meal we thought we wanted in November. Don't stand in front of the fan, because lots of "stuff" is being carried toward it.
For Purgatory, I nominate all those people who have nothing better to do than to persecute the Clintons.
Nomination for Purgatory
I nominate the Clintons...the President and her husband. So far, 26 people who have had something to do with them, from Arkansas to Washington D.C., are dead, in jail, indicted, or about to be. How can they simply be victims of circumstances, as they continually claim to be? Can you be a victim if YOU created the circumstances to start with? Yes, Billary Clinton is a two-headed creature driven by the desire for power, and devoid of conscience. The fires of Purgatory will have a challenge ahead cleaning up these two.
To Hell with all those who blame society's ills on harmless cartoons. A pox on you and all your family. Ted Turner for POPE!!!!!
Embarrassed Teenager
Welcome to manhood son. ;-)
Embarrassed Teenager
Talk about motivation! You could consider yourself blessed that this type of physical activity causes you pleasure in that way. If you find yourself eager to practice your climbing on your own time, away from the school curiculum, perhaps you're interested in more than just physical fitness. It would then come under the definition of another form of self-gratification, or masturbation. At school, you're not making the decision to climb. At other times and places, it's purely your own decision. In this circumstance, your moral values and attitude toward masturbation apply. Control and responsibility go hand in hand. Good luck with your ascents to greatness!
To: Reverend Armstrong From: Embarrassed Teenager
Every time I climb up a pole, or do the rope climb in P E at school, I get an erection. If I climb too long, I end up having an orgasm. It's fun, but it's embarrassing. If I do the exercises, I get a good grade, but.... What should I do?
Be patient, you who thirsts for JUSTICE. Brace yourself. The next two years will finally bring vindication for those of us who've kept the faith ÷ Faith in Truth, Justice, and the American Way.
Even though I've tried to be a good person, follow the Golden Rule, walk the straight and narrow, do unto others..., honor my mother and father (and follow all nine of the other Commandments, Clinton STILL won! Where's the JUSTICE?!!!
Dear Carl,
Good moral dilema. Once a male has a vasectomy, the reason for the sin is essentially eliminated. The life in the sperm is no longer in the ejaculate, but is reabsorbed by the body. Masturbation now becomes a simple pleasurable human sexual activity without a moral consequence. It's normal to have feelings of guilt about masturbation after a vasectomy. Years of religious belief about the negative consequences of Onanism can be persistent. The solid objectivity of the scientific facts about masturbation should be of some help in resolving these feelings.
Dear uncle Bob, please help me. I'm lazy and don't want to work for a living-my dad always told me I'd grow up to be just like you-can you give me some idea's, I've been told that you are an expert on the subject. Thanks for any help you may be able to provide.
From Carl to Reverend Armstrong
I am a Catholic with a potent question. According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, it is a mortal sin for a male to masturbate÷commit the sin of Onanism÷because the spilling of his seed is a waste of procreative life energy. Now, if this male gets a vasectomy, he can no longer ejaculate live sperm. If he masturbates, is he still sinning?
Interesting site.
That quote is from Keats!!!!!!!!
That's not Plato It's Keats you moron!!
All politicians
"Truth is Beauty, and Beauty is truth" ---Plato
I'm a caffiene junkie.
Do you like not being trusted because it gives you license to be dishonest, and thereby just be fulfilling their expectations? This sounds like a lazy way to avoid the responsibility of being honest. If honesty is important to you, FIGHT for it! Find ways to convince those who mistrust you that you really are, by nature, an HONEST person. May the force of your good electrons give you the power to be the REAL you! Come back and let us know how it goes, Daniel.
I know that people don't trust me, but I like it that way.
I am a Catholic with a potent question. According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, it is a mortal sin for a male to masturbate—commit the sin of Onanism—because the spilling of his seed is a waste of procreative life energy. Now, if this male gets a vasectomy, he can no longer ejaculate live sperm. If he masturbates, is he still sinning?
Interesting site.
That quote is from Keats!!!!!!!!
That's not Plato It's Keats you moron!!
"Truth is Beauty, and Beauty is truth" ---Plato
I'm a caffiene junkie.
Do you like not being trusted because it gives you license to be dishonest, and thereby just be fulfilling their expectations? This sounds like a lazy way to avoid the responsibility of being honest. If honesty is important to you, FIGHT for it! Find ways to convince those who mistrust you that you really are, by nature, an HONEST person. May the force of your good electrons give you the power to be the REAL you! Come back and let us know how it goes, Daniel.
I know that people don't trust me, but I like it that way.
lies the lyer if he says he lies?
This sites ROCKS!!!!
I think this site is cool!
I'm smarter than my boss
I'm addicted to pornography.
I did something they haven't caught me on but sometimes I feel like I want them to.
Considerate fuera de mi testamento
This is most unusual.
I'd like to nominate the person who invented those automatic tape machines that make calls to your home with their pre-recorded sales pitches. That's a disgusting use of technology: the kind of thing that makes many people forget the beneficial uses of such things as electronics and instead makes them long to be Luddites. Thank you.
I'm unhappy but don't do anything to change my life, instead deferring to the wants of others. Is that a sin or just a part of the normal human condition?
Bill Gates to purgatory for squeezing technically worthy competitors
Je connais ces yeux. Ils sont les fen¬tres de l'esprit d'un cher ami.
In a moment of anger, I kicked my kitty.
Professors who claim credit for their graduate student's hard work.
I am a Catholic but I would like to be a Fecha-ite. Whenever I go to church now I take Holy Communion even though I not been to confession in nearly 5 years. I want to be forgiven for this. Please help.
I have committed the sin of adultery. It was only once and in a moment of weakness. I had too much to drink and things just got out of hand. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Jane in LA
There is a man at my office who is constantly stealing office supplies. I noticed that he got away with it and so I started taking things such as paper, pens and post-it pads. Lately, I've started to take things from department stores. I recently took a dress home in my purse. I am looking for forgiveness and understanding.
I have never been to confession but I have something to say to the world. I had a drug problem for a long time and once I stole my mother's TV to sell so I could buy drugs. I have been haunted by this for many years. Tell me how I can make this up to her?
I think this "sin" stuff is just plain old guilt
This is a different